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Monday, November 11, 2013

Learn the Mathematical Formula to Weight Loss

I bet you never knew that weight loss could become as simple as a mathematical formula huh? Well, the truth is it is. Many people think weight loss is something hard to do, but when you take a look at how the human body either gains or losses weight, it really does come down to one simple mathematical formula. In this article you are going to learn what that formula is and what you can do to lose the weight

So what is the formula? It is calories in verses calories out. Once you figure out how many calories your body needs per day to maintain weight, all you need to do is eat fewer calories than that to lose weight and more calories than that to gain weight. So before you continue reading on the tips to lose weight, I want you to figure out how many calories your body needs per day to maintain weight.

Now that you know exactly how much you should be eating per day, it is time to start talking about what you should be eating. To start it off, I want you get get 60 percent of your calories from protein, 30 percent from carbs, and 10 from fat. Do this for one week. If you notice that you are losing body fat then keep it up. If you aren't then keep adjusting the numbers until you are.

In addition to your diet, you need to make sure you are working out at least three days per week. Healthy muscles burn fat much more quickly than muscles that are not in shape.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Here Are Some Weight Loss Exercises For Women

How do you choose some effective Weight Loss Exercises For Women if your main objective is not building muscles or gaining strength? It is well known that performing exercises are designed more towards building muscle size and gaining strength.

As an example, however, you can manipulate some of the parameters for weight loss to make these exercises more effective for weight reduction.

One thing every woman should know first is that choosing Fitness Exercises For Women using the aerobic type of exercises exclusively can be a distinct disadvantage. This particular disadvantage can occur in both the short term and the long term run as the main fitness tool for body fat reduction.

The aerobic type of training like running has cardiovascular and pulmonary benefits, and and it brings about weight loss, too. But in regard to losing pounds it has significantly less effect in terms of losing body fat.

When you are running you can use free fatty acids as an energy derivative. Thus the total amount of body fat used is relatively small unless you are performing a continuous running for an hour or so. Therefore, adding strength training along with your aerobic training can make a difference for preserving muscle tissue and maximizing burning body fat from both types of exercises; aerobic (running) and anaerobic (strength training).

An Example of Weight Reduction Exercises for Women

Here is one workout example that you can follow. And if you need to make the necessary adjustments according to your fitness level, then by all means please do so:

Step 1--Run for 6 minutes, OR jump rope for 3 minutes;

then proceed to

Step 2--Perform push-ups for 10 to 20 repetitions.

Then repeat step 1 again, and then repeat step 2 again.

AND FOR A VARIATION after the push-ups in Step 2, you can include a different exercise to work different muscles such as the back muscles by performing a pulling or rowing movement.

In conclusion --Repeat steps 1 and 2 twice again to complete this routine of exercises.

Following the above steps will include several different exercises. Each and every day complete these exercises to the best of your fitness ability. And you have the assurance that you will have a better and more effective outcome for your weight loss objective.

Fastest Weight Loss Diet Plan - Journey From Fat to Fit

The fastest weight loss diet plan, surprisingly, calls for minimum effort and maximum smartness. When you hear the mention of dieting, you are usually worried about your inability to control your cravings for your favorite food.

You are also worried about going into a binge mode and spoiling the regime. What are the ways in which you can lose weight fast?

Fastest Weight Loss Diet Plan - Some Tips

1. Drink lots of Water throughout the Day

Water is a great appetite suppressant. Drinking water before meals and throughout the day ensures that you do not feel too much hungry. That ways, you can control your cravings better. Do check on with your doctor to see if you have a kidney disease or a heart problem. If you are having any of these problems, you must not consume too much water.

2. Eat Slowly and Steadily

When you are having meals, do not rush. You must adopt a calm and peaceful frame of find. It has been proved that this burns fat fast. You can also adopt the cross legged posture while you eat. This helps the blood to reach the stomach and abdominal area; thus aiding faster digestion.

3. Plan your Diet in Advance; Maintain a Food Journal

Maintain a food journal as this will help you control your food habits. You are unlikely to over eat when you are maintaining a journal religiously. Planning your diet in advance has a number of advantages. This helps exceptionally when you have party to attend or when you have a plan to eat out.

You must cheat your diet plan once in a while. Eat your favorite food this time and relish it well. This will prevent you from craving for the food and maintain your fastest weight loss diet plan better.

If you like some good information on how to lose weight, I've some free advice for you:

For More Related Topics Blog: Medical Weight Loss Clinic